
How to setup a failover kace box

First off I have 1 K1000 in use right now.  We bought a second k1000 as a backup/failover.

I am trying to figure out how to set it up so that if my primary k1000 goes down it will failover to my secondary k1000 automatically.  Also,  I need to find out how to keep the secondary k1000 up to date with the primary k1000 so that if it does failover the secondary k1000 will have all the latest tickets and inventory items that the primary k1000 has.

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: dugullett 11 years ago
Red Belt

I contacted support on this a while back, and there is currently no way to keep it current automatically. We restore the backup from a share and change DNS to point to the new one.

Another thing to keep in mind. Make sure your server versions are exactly the same. You will get version mismatch error when trying to restore if not. 

  • So if my main goes down the best practice is to have the secondary at the same server level, Restore my back up files (which i auto pull down everyday from my primary kace), and then change my dns to point to the new box. what about all the different settings from the different sections in kace like my scripts and my helpdesk setups does all that get stored in the backup? are the backup files pretty much a full image of the kace box? - Crispyominus 11 years ago
    • That's what we do yes. - dugullett 11 years ago

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