
Is there a Kace 1000 database design

I have 70 different Asset types. I have different assets associated in each of these asset types.

Is there a master table which tells which user has what asset? I am also looking to find all assets entered by our inventory manager in KACE between Jan 1-2012 and Nov 1, 2012

If not, I am looking for a KACE 1000 database design which might help me with my question.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: jknox 12 years ago
Red Belt

There isn't a database design available per se. I also don't think the audit trail will tell you what person entered inventory, but I could be wrong on that.

There is an older schema for version 5.2 located here: http://downloads.kace.com/support/customer/release/K1000/5.2.38773/k1000_server_5.2.38773_org.schema

You can also get the schema in MySQL Workbench by using:


show tables; desc <TABLE_NAME>


Posted by: nainil.ecw 12 years ago
Senior White Belt

Thanks jknox. 

If there a way for me to know which table has a primary to foreign key relationship? Is there any way for me to know that these columns from these tables when joined together will give me x as an output based on my original query?

Posted by: jdornan 12 years ago
Red Belt

Open the schema in a text editor and look for the lines that define the primary keys like the following from the table DELL_MACHINE_PKG_UPDATE_STATUS


If you search the rest of the file for these key names you will notice in every table they are defined as either a key or primary key for that table so they have a relationship everyhwere that they occur.

 This may also help though it is a bit older.



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