
Is there a way to limit the column width on a report (like the comments field) and NOT have all of the comments come out on one line?

We are using Kace k1000 ver 5.3 and I am trying to print an update report that will show updates to service desk tickets.  I see the old version of reports (report classic) has the ability to adjust the width of a column.  Does the new report engine provide a way to limit the width of a column, so that the information isn't wider than a page?



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Answers (2)

Posted by: chucksteel 12 years ago
Red Belt

I don't believe Dell has released a way to customize the layout of reports with the new reporting engine. From what I understand there should be one in future releases, but I'm surprised they released the new engine without a way to customize the layout. If your system still has Classic Reports, then I could make the report there and either use the built-in sytem for editing the layout or investigate the Jasper tool.

  • Thanks Chuck, We don't have the classic reports anymore, so I guess we will have to wait.
    Kyle - kylep9 12 years ago
Posted by: dchristian 12 years ago
Red Belt

I don't think this is possible with the new reports. What if you limit to the field using the SQL? Example, only taking the left 15-20 characters.


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