
K1000 Service Desk - Is there a way to change the title field or create a custom text field that has a larger (height wise) text box?

I know you can change the width of the title box, but it makes it difficult to read. I'm trying to import ticket data from BMC RemedyForce and i'm currently using the Title field within Kace as the main problem description field. The problems/descriptions can be very long though, and the default way the Title field in KACE's ServiceDesk is displayed makes it difficult to read

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Answers (4)

Posted by: airwolf 12 years ago
Red Belt
In 5.3, the Title field does not truncate. The entire Title will be displayed and will wrap to new lines as needed. What type of customization beyond that are you referring to? You cannot configure the cell height, but you can use the zoom feature in your browser - which will have the side effect of making text larger and the cells will have more padding.

  • We're on version 5.3.45496 and the Title field doesn't seem to wrap onto any new lines at all, the field just keeps going with letters disappearing until you scroll the cursor further to the right within that field. What i'm looking for is a larger text field box, whether it's the Title box or a Custom Field. - ITexodus 12 years ago
  • We are having the same problem and we did not import data, we just type it in. It looks messed up. This really needs to be addressed. - rgprior 12 years ago
Posted by: chucksteel 12 years ago
Red Belt
I think that it would be a better option to import the problem description into a comment, if that's possible.
Posted by: rgprior 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

We are having the same problem with resolution text as we are with title text. When thee is a lot of text, both run off the end of the screen.

Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt
I don't believe you can but if it is possible support will have to get involved.

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