
Kace 3rd party Software Installers for Adobe, old versions?

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use the Patching system instead of a Managed Install to deploy the latest versions of things like Adobe Flash and Mozilla Firefox (and Chrome).  I've run some tests and it seems to work quite well, however I'm trying to figure out why the latest version of Adobe Flash that my K1000 knows about is Adobe Flash player  When I go to Adobe's website, the latest version is  I'm guessing this must have to do with latest "stable" release vs latest "beta" release but I can't seem to find any documentation on that. 

I've seen some people suggest not to deploy applications using this method, to do a Managed install instead.  What's the benefit to one or the other?  This method seems to work fine, seemed much easier than creating a managed install anyway.  I just added the patch to a label, created a patch schedule that targeted a test machine, and ran it.  Worked within a few minutes.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Ben M 10 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
The documentation you are looking for can be found on page nine of this document. http://www.kace.com/~/media/Files/Support/Documentation/K1000/v60/K1000_Patching.pdf Basically, the patches don't show up on our Kace boxes until both Lumension and Dell have tested to confirm that the patches are okay. You could also check to confirm that your machine is downloading new patches regularly. That setting can be found under Settings>Control Panel>Patch Subscription Settings

I personally use MIs instead of patching for flash and other plugins because I've found it to be more consistent and because I like having the most recent updates for those programs. The downside is that it can be more work. If the patching is working for you then I don't think it's a bad option.
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