
Kace SMA Managed Install question

I need to deploy Bomgar to Macs. I uploaded the Bomgar installer as a MI, when I run it it copies it to the system but doesn't install with the default installation. Do I need to use overrideĀ default installation with different cmd line argument?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: bozadmin 6 years ago
Brown Belt
I was able to find the cmd line needed to install Bomgar jump client with MI. If anyone ever needs it in the future.

hdiutilattach -nobrowse -noverify *.dmg -mountpoint ./mnt;./mnt/*.app/Contents/MacOS/sdcust

  • The command should be: hdiutil attach -nobrowse -noverify *.dmg -mountpoint ./mnt;./mnt/*.app/Contents/MacOS/sdcust

    Without the space between the command (hdiutil) and the verb (attach), it will fail.

    I don't know if linking is allowed. I used manual pages on ss64 to find the answer, details below.

    hdiutil verb [options]


    hdiutil uses the DiskImages framework to manipulate disk images. Common
    verbs include attach, detach, verify, create, convert, compact, and burn. - njohnson 4 years ago
Posted by: AbhayR 6 years ago
Red Belt
What kind of package is it ? dmg? pgk ? other?

  • dmg - bozadmin 6 years ago
    • It should automatically install if the uploaded file is DMG. Can you check the Agent log to see if there is an error in the package ? - AbhayR 6 years ago
      • No errors agent thinks its installed. It copies the Bomgar installer .dmg file and tries to install and adds the program icon in the application folder but it's not installed correctly. When I try to launch the program it throws an error about the original .dmg file could not be located. It's almost like it installed with no permissions or it needs to be run with sudo cmd. - bozadmin 6 years ago
    • What are the contents of the DMG?

      For managed installs with a DMG, the SMA will mount the DMG and then:
      If the DMG contains a package, it will install the package
      If the DMG contains an application, it will move the application to the /Applications folder

      Note that if the DMG contains multiple packages, it will actually install them all, so if the DMG contains both a package that installs Bomgar, and a package that uninstalls Bomger, then the SMA will run both (so the results won't be what you want). - chucksteel 6 years ago
      • The DMG contains one application (Bomgar installer). It copies it to library/application support/Dell/Kace/data then runs the installer. It moves the application to the the /application folder but I cannot launch the app. It gives an error like it was not installed correctly. - bozadmin 6 years ago

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