
Kace SMA Service Desk notes, HTML support.

We are in the process of testing and possibly moving to Kace SMA service desk for our ticketing system. Question is the current program we are using, sends an alert email out every time a ticket is submitted (almost always via email). We have got Kace to have that functionality. However, Kace doesn't seem to be supporting HTML. So line breaks, weird signatures, signature badges, attachments, none of this comes through the email or saved as notes correctly. And EVERYONE's email signature is HTML. So every time we get a ticket, notes look like garbage. Is there a way to change or adjust something here to get it to look a bit representable? We will need to present this to owners and solution right now is nice with web links, possibilities to load ticket window, close and assign from ticket etc. Just looking right now to make the functionality we have out of Kace look better.

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    https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-sma-k1000/suggestions/2466519-log-email-tickets-as-html-format - Channeler 6 years ago

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