
KBOX Client smmp.conf resets


I am new to the KBOX and so far have enjoyed using it. I have 202 client attached and in te past month I have had four clients all Windows 7 x64 reset itself. Basically from Inventory I notice that a system has not connected to the KBOX in a long period of time. The AMP connection shows red. I RD to the system in question and find that the smmp.conf file has lost all of it settings and is formatted incorrectly compared to functioning systems (for example the host line reads host=kbox) instead of our server. The smmp.log file fills up with errors that the file is formatted incorrectly. If I uninstall the client and reinstall then it works again.

The other interesting thing is lets say I type type dir from a command prompt in the KBOX directory and note the date/time of the smmp.conf file and then wait a minute or two. Then do another dir, the date / time changes. In fact it looks like the date/time of the file is always changing like it is in a loop rewriting the file always at 205 bytes.

Has anyone else run into this? What could possibly cause this?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: isolinear 13 years ago
Orange Belt
I've had a similar issue so perhaps I can help - what version of the kbox client is running on the targets?

Also you indicated that the host name had reverted to the default instead of your server name, I recall seeing in the patch notes that this was an issue with a certain version and had been corrected. Let me locate the most recent client release notes and paste the info here.

Bugs Fixes / Enhancements in 5.1 AP2 Fixes / Enhancements in 5.1 AP2 Windows Agent
ID Description
-- -----------
9912 - KScript fails on Windows 7
12219 - SMMP.conf host name is being changed to incorrect host name
12127 - Retry logic fails with redirected networks
12178 - Installer must use absolute and NOT relative paths
12179 - Windows Agent Installer does not retrieve host from SMMP.conf after uninstall
12214 - Disable launch of watchdog.exe
12224 - File Sync locks on WaitForSingleObject
12350 - 30 second delay seen on startup
12671 - Add the ability to reset AMP on Windows
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
Ensure that you are using the most current version of the agent files: http://www.kace.com/support/customer/downloads.php
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