Label won't delete from device
I am simply trying to remove a label from a computer. I go into Device Detail, Activities, Labels, Manage Associated Labels, Under assign label, I find the one I want to remove, click on the trash can and hit Save. The page refreshes and the label is still there. What might be going on?
Answers (4)
Top Answer
Ok so if you go to Home>Label Management>Labels you will see a list of all the labels that you have on your SMA.
Sort by name so you can find the label that you want to remove the device from by clicking the header bar once or twice.
Once you have your label, look to the columns on the right, it will look something like this
The type of label is the column that the number appears in i.e. Devices or Software or Users
If you see just a number then this is a manual label and actually you can remove the device from the group by doing the following:
Go to Inventory>Devices and find your machine on the list, tick the box to the left and the Choose Action>Remove Labels and then hit the bin icon next to label you wish to remove.
If you see a funnel, like in the above image, then this is a smart label and the device is a member automatically. You will need to understand what makes it a member and change the criteria of the smart label if that is possible.
What version of the KACE appliance are you running?
What type of label? (Manual, Device Smart Label, or Device LDAP label)
From the Device detail page for that particular device, under "Activities " -> "Labels" -> "Manage Associated Labels" did you try removing the Device from the label as the first step?
After removing any devices from a label you can remove the actual label if no longer required from "Home -> Label Management".
Thanks KevinG,
We are on Current Version: 11.1.263.
The label group is: Device Patching Label. looking on the label page I am not seeing the type.
Yes, under activities>Labels>Manage Associated Labels I clicked on the trash can and hit Save, the page blinks as it updates and the 'deleted' label is still in the list.
Were you using the built-in admin account (lowercase admin) when you attempted to remove the label? if not, give it a try. - KevinG 3 years ago