
Looking for help getting started with K1000

IT Ninja white belt here. The boss thought getting a Kace 1000 would be a good idea and dropped it on my desk. I'm looking for a beginner tutorial that covers some of the basic functionality and terminology. I'm impressed with this site already but much of the content is a bit over my head at this point.

I've got the Kace agent installed on a laptop, but I don't have it added to my inventory on the K1000 yet. I keep getting a login access failure after connecting to the laptop. I guess I also need a group to add it to once I can get it added. And the difference between Smart labels and Manual labels is going to take some extra marinating before that sinks in.

I'd be interested in any assistance you experts could provide. I'd like to be in a postion one day when I could help out a young pup struggling to find his way within Kace.    

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jverbosk 12 years ago
Red Belt

Never fear, I was where you are not too long ago.  The JumpStart helped me a little, but honestly it was reading (some of) the admin guide, the KB articles, searching on topics here in the forum and (most importantly) playing around on the K1000 that really helped me the most.  Documenting my systems & processes and planning (and revising when I figured out what the K1000 could and could not do) also helped considerably.

As for starters, I would recommend just picking one thing to start with.  I started with Inventory (getting it working a bit more to my liking), then moved on to Patching (which I ended up revising several times), then onto Service Desk, playing around with Scripts and Managed Installs later. 

I've written a number of blogs covering a lot of this and will actually be doing one on labels next (as soon as I get a break, has been hectic since the last blog).  But I do discuss labels in my Service Desk and Patching blogs, so perhaps these can be of help (aside from KACE's own materials - KBs, training videos, etc).  I know myself, I learn best by example (and from tweaking/breaking it, learning from that whole process).  Anyways, hope these might help:





And here's KACE's resources:



Good luck!



  • Thank you both for the input. I will put these to good use. Just need to go pop some popcorn first!! :) - AndrewQ 12 years ago
Posted by: jknox 12 years ago
Red Belt

To add to John's list, here are some videos that might be helpful: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/KACE-Kontinuing-Education-K1000-and-K2000-Recordings

Posted by: cblake 9 years ago
Red Belt

We have a number of otherresources available such as KKE, InkPad, Boot Kamp, and JumpStart. One of themore useful might be this KKE compilation I have assembled for K1000: https://support.software.dell.com/kb/156578


We have remote andclassroom training available to fit most needs. For more assistance, please contact training@kace.com and we can help you find a training plan to fit your goals. 

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