
Managed Install only runs when user logs in

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I am at a loss as to why a managed install (\\servername\installfile.exe /s /v"qn place=test") that is set to Execute anytime (next available) will only run when a user logs into the workstation.
We have done this in the past with no problems on previous upgrades of this software but time only the machines that I log into will execute the deployment...tried both admin account and domain user accounts and both work when logged in.
I have tried both the Use Default and Configure Manually options for the command w/no change.
It doesn't show that the install fails but that it never starts.
I also tried to change it to Execute while user logged off and while it shows that it needs to install on 105 out of 123 machines, if I look at the machines it will show no managed installs in the To Install List. Change it back to the execute anytime and then the install shows up in the To Install List.

Anyone have any ideas on this?

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Answers (6)

Posted by: ewoodcock 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
and I don't have the allow snooze selected...
Posted by: GillySpy 15 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
When you run through the standard checks (http://www.kace.com/support/customer/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=4&id=821&artlang=en#Check_the_setup_of_the_managed_i) you'll probably find that the Local System user does not have rights to access this network share -- this is quite common. Rather than open up the share to unauthenticated connections I would suggest either:
A. creating a read-only account that does have access to this share and then specifically providing that account information in the "Use Alternate Download:" section of the MI
B. attach the installfile.exe file to the software inventory item that is tied to the MI itself.
Posted by: serrinca 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It appears you are installing off a network share, I would think you would need to authenticate in order to pull this file, or setup guest access on that share.

*Update - I had this page up from earlier to respond, and after I posted it showed that Gerald had already responded with a number of ideas to try that already included my response, but of course couldn't delete my post by then.
Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
In situations such as these, I typically just write a simple "RunAs" wrapper in AutoIT (you could also use VB, but AutoIT can be compiled into an executable) - www.autoitscript.com. Gerald's suggestions are also great. The benefit of his 2nd option is that the exe is pulled locally to the client before running. I'm not sure how solid your network is, but I don't get "warm and fuzzies" about deploying from a network share.
Posted by: jkatkace 15 years ago
Purple Belt
Are you sure this worked from a UNC path before? The localsystem account usually does not have the credentials to access those kind of network filesystems.

You may want to reconsider using UNC paths in your command lines. Copying the files to the local disk doesn't imposed any more network load than executing them, and results in faster execution. Why not use the payload you uploaded to the KBOX when creating the managed install?

If you need another executable than the one you used to create the MI, you can set an Alternate Download Location for this one.
Posted by: cblake 15 years ago
Red Belt
It's likely that the installer needs more access. You could use a RunAs command in a batch or AutoIT, or you could simply run while users are logged on. What software package is this? That might help us give you a more educated answer...
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