
Packaging MS Publisher in Dell Kace 1000

I have been trying to create a package in Dell K1000 to push Microsoft Publisher to individual systems through a managed installation.

If I deploy this directly on a system through command line with the following command:
"\\directory\FE_MS_OfficeProfessional_2003_P1\PUB11.MSI TRANSFORMS=\\directory\FE_MS_OfficeProfessional_2003_P1\Genk_Publisher.MST /qb-!"
it works fine and I can install the software.

With the software inventarized I create a managed installation with the following choices:

  • - Installation Command "configure manually"
  • - above command copied into the text field of the "Installation command"
  • - "Run command only" is selected
  • - "Don't prepend msiexec.exe" is selected

So when I go to the K1000 inventory and look up the machine I'm trying to push my package to and Force the Inventory Update I see the KInventory.exe process in my task manager. But no install happens.
Now when I de-select "Don't prepend msiexec.exe" and force the Inventory Update the Windows Installer options screen appears on my target machine.


So it seems my command is doing something. Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: ckubaska 12 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt

Do you have all the files zipped up? Try msiexec /i infront of your command. You can also add a log file which might help determine where it is having issues. The following is the command that I use for Publisher and Access 2003. Setup.exe /t 2003std.mst /l* c:\logfile.txt /noreboot /qn


  • Thanks. The msiexec /i in front of it helped me a lot. I neglected to put it there since there is an option "Don"t prepend msiexec /i", so I assumed it would place it there by itself. - Martrim 12 years ago
  • It's suppose to put it there when you use the "Don't prepend" but my experience is that it doesn't work more than it does so I've started doing all of them manually and adding it. - ckubaska 12 years ago
Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

This screen pops up when the commandline given for msiexec is not correct.

Posted by: Martrim 12 years ago
White Belt

So now i'm a few steps further in and I'm close to making it work. But now I have a strange problem.

The Office programs we install are OEM and they don't have a serial number. And when I use the command on the system itself through command line, it installs fine. But when I push it with Kace it also works, but it asks for a serial number. And I don't have one with our licences...

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