
Registry hook to K1200

Not sure if this is the right forum, but a good place to start. I need to create a way/process that when a new computer or reimaged computer "checks in" for the first time with the agent that it can be re-directed to the user software disto portal and automatically download applications for that user. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: airwolf 13 years ago
Red Belt
You can use custom scripting to get them to the user portal, but you won't be able to automatically install everything listed in the Software Library - that is, unless you do it using Managed Installations and/or KScripting along with Labels. This would not require any interaction with the Software Library in the User Interface.
Posted by: dchristian 13 years ago
Red Belt
Andys right.

If you do a good job creating your labels, checking for the lack of the presence of the software, this can be done auto-magically.

New machine comes on board -> labels associated showing software missing -> managed install corrects -> machine checks back in -> removed from software missing label.
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
As previously metioned- Labels (specifically SMART Labels) are the key to your future happiness and success. If you aren't using Smart labels you're missing out on a LOT of automation, which is the overall point of the appliance.

Supplimental- Here's a video on something we did on creating a "breadcrumb" for newly imaged machines to automagically add themselves to a smart label for K1 to do the heavy lifting (Managed Installs, Scripting, Patching, etc.):

Posted by: icn2pcs 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Thank you everyone for the responses. I will take your advice and watch the video with hopes of making this a reality. I will post results in a few days.
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