
Service Desk Email Settings

Is there a way to email submitters when changes are made to their ticket. For example, if someone has submitted a ticket and the person working on the ticket needs more info, is there a way to send an email back to the submitter letting them know they need more info about the problem?

I went through and set up the Service Desk and I can get tickets and open them view the info and change the status from open to closed, open to need more info, waiting for user, waiting on help desk staff, etc. I have also customized some of these options to fit my company. The only thing I can't seem to figure out is how to email the submitter when a Ticket has been changed by the Owner (Person working on Ticket).

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Answers (1)

Posted by: GillySpy 13 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Yes, you simply need to use the checkboxes for the email on events.

Make sure when you are testing you are comparing apples to apples. If your username is the owner and submitter then that is not very real world and will not send a notification because you are already aware of the change as owner.
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