
Simple question: abort a running Kscript

When the Run Now Status shows that a Script is Running for a very long time, I suspect the script is hung. How do I force that script to quit?

Rebooting the computer doesn't seem to do it: the Run Now Status still says the script is running.

Is there any way to do it short of rebooting the computer, or uninstalling the KBOX Agent? I'd like to be able to abort the running script, then run it again on the same machine after I edit the script, all without rebooting the computer.

Would the new AMPReset.exe help in any way? These scripts all happen to be Online Kscripts.

I accept that I'll lose the scripting logs if I do force an abort. Sande

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Answers (2)

Posted by: RichB 13 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
Find the script number from the end of the web address using the adminui interface. Then go to Settings/Support/Troubleshooting/Tasks. Find the task(s) with that number like kbot-ORG1-XXX where XXX is the script number. Put a checkmark next to them and select the Action to either timeout or delete the tasks.
Posted by: snissen 13 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt
Thanks, that's one useful approach.

But what if the task never appears on the "K1000 Agent Tasks" list? It's not a matter of my not finding the correct task in a long list; the list is almost empty, and neither this machine name nor the task number appear in it. Yet in the scripting logs it swears the script is still running on this machine, even overnight! Sande
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