K1000 Software Report
Hi there,
Can som one pleasehelp me with a query that will give me all software installed on a pc but it must exclude Microsoft patches. I need the following fields: IP,Software Title, System Name, Software Version.
We are using the K1000
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Posted by:
11 years ago
you can do this with the report wizard
I have tried this but I am not getting the info that I am looking for. And also if I do it this way then the Microsoft patches is part of the report and I need to exclude them from the report. - Mariusja 11 years ago
Tried that, like SMal.tmcc did with one change. After Sort & Breaks you have filters and need to specify a filter for software like "Display name does not contain 'KB'" and you will get a sorted list of all MACHINES with their installed software except the MS Patches. - aragorn.2003 11 years ago