
Tell us about yourself...

Just curious to know ages & packaging experience of people here. I'll start

Age: 25

Experience: I'm about 2 years out of college with around 4 years experience in IT. I've been packaging for 2 years, though the first year really doesn't count as it was packaging for Managesoft. I didn't really begin to learn windows installer and real packaging tools until about a year ago.

Your turn.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: dj_xest 19 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
Age: 28

Experience: About 5 years out in college... 1 year in vacation at my home doing the laundry, cooking and playing at my computer while looking for my first job [&:]... Until finally on the 2nd year, found a job as a printer and computer technician then assigned to the pioneering group of repackager and application support until now for 4 years!.. doing packaging and customization with Winstall and Marimba.. Learned about Windows installer 3 years ago and currently on the learning stage of Wise packaging and baking at my bake shop...[;)]
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
I hope you blow your nose and wash your hands before you bake in your bake shop! That look's like a nasty cold you've got there![;)]
Posted by: dj_xest 19 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
Naahh.. I only do the baking during weekends... I'm in my dreams at day... I'm only a PACKAGER for breads and cookies every day... [:D]
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