
Ticket sorting seems to be random

Hi all

Another Question:
In the Ticket overview over all Tickets (All Queues -> All Tickets)-

I want to sort for Status and it just makes an completely random List with nearly nothing sorted together.
For example: 

[Status (arrow down)]

(imagine this as the Status collum)

Why doesn't it just order alphabetically? Is there a way to fix it? 

There's no use in sorting like that. Same happens to custom fields (User) and Category (which is 100, 101, etc. in our company)



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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: chucksteel 11 years ago
Red Belt

I think that it might be sorting by Status ID instead of Status name, but I'm not positive. I would consider submitting this to support as a possible bug.


  • I thought of that too. But wouldn't it work like that as well? I mean New and New have the same ID.. Well maybe someone magically shows up with a solution. Otherwise I'll submitting it to support as you suggested. Thanks for the fast answer! - aazimm 11 years ago
    • Actually, New and New won't have the same ID. If you look in the HD_STATUS table you can see that each status is unique to its queue. This allows you to change the name of a status in one queue without affecting others. - chucksteel 11 years ago
  • well, sorry seems like I got the wrong Info.. sorry and thanks for your help - aazimm 11 years ago
Posted by: jdornan 11 years ago
Red Belt

Please provide a screenshot and version number of your Kace unit. I hav etested on my systems and it works as Chuck described Sorts by status ordinal (different for each queue).


The sort shows in the status bar when clicking Status as


  • I didn't think to look in the URL. FYI, changing STATUS_ORDINAL to STATUS_NAME does work and tickets are grouped by status first (so tickets from different queues with the same status are together). If you're using the adminui you can then bookmark that URL. - chucksteel 11 years ago
    • How do I change the Status_Ordinal to Status_Name? Thanks - mrepetti 10 years ago

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