Unable to delete Thumbs.db from network share
I have to delete few foleder and I am unable to do that. I am using win 7 X64 bit. I have used unlocker and few other programs to unlock the file but i still get the same issues.
I have also tried to delete the file from the command prompt and close the explorer from the task manager and fet the same issue.
In View -> folder options I have also unckecked the option " Display file icon on thumbsnail "
Also I went to gpedit.msc -. user config -> admin templates -. windows components -> windows explorer -> enabled
1. turn off the display of thumbsnail and only display icons
2. turn off the display of thumbsnail and only display icons on network folder
3. Turn off the caching of thumbsnail ain hidden thumbs.db files.
Also as some one suggest I uninstalled Adobe reader/ acrobat and still unable to delete the files.
Any help ?
Answers (3)
THUMBS.DB has the 'Hidden' attribute set, possibly also the 'System' attribute, too. Just remove those and you can delete away.
Ok, this was weird for me, but maybe it will help someone else. I did the same thing that the original poster did and it did prevent further thumbs.db from being created. However, existing ones didn't want to be deleted (sometimes). So what I did was:
In folder 1, try to delete the thumbs.db
got message that I couldn't
Went to folder 2, try to delete the thumbs.db
got message that I couldn't
Went back to folder 1, try to delete the thumbs.db, it went away!
Went to folder 3, try to delete the thumbs.db
got message that I couldn't
went back to folder 2, try to delete the thumbs.db, it went away!
So it was like I had to give another thumbs.db focus before I could remove one of the others. Weird but it worked until the last one, when I had to give focus to an open file and then go back to last thumbs.db and was able to delete it.
If you can, I usually find the easiest way to delete these types of stubborn files is to log on to the server where the share is hosted and delete them from there. Of course you'll need to log on as an Administrator.
If that doesn't work or you can't, another option would be to take ownership of the files and then try to delete them.
so that the conversation will remain readable.