
Unable to reach Agent-managed devices


Most of my devices are getting failed and reporting as Unable to reach agent-managed device, also i can ping few of the devices. Want to know being online why Kace reporting as Unable to reach, how can i fix this issue? as im sitting at remote place and scheduling patch deployment, what is the best way to resolve this issue, Thanks in advance.


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • It sounds like you have blocked ports between the KACE appliance and the clients. - chucksteel 7 years ago
    • Thank you Chuck for the reply, devices which are unable to reach agent-managed devices back online automatically in business hours. while patching keeps failing. - Mohamad Nazrulla 7 years ago
  • Make sure the devices with the agents installed can ping and resolve the FQDN of your KACE SMA - Hobbsy 7 years ago

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