
Unable to reach Agent-managed devices and Most of the desktops are failed


1. I could see the error Offline -  "unable to reach Agent-Managed device" on my devices which are in Patch Schedule. Even though, devices are online and able to ping the devices with the latest Agent 7.2 is running and its keeps updating the inventory, Can anyone help me where exactly im going wrong and to fix this issue. SavVPb.png

2. Second issue, most of the devices goes in Failed on status. Please refer the screenshots and appreciate your help. Thank youovyAUI.png

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Are your devices with the agen5 installed able to resolve the server name via dns? 7.x relies on the agent being deployed via server name rather than IP address, this would prevent the agent from communicating effectively during the patching lifecycle - Hobbsy 7 years ago
  • Make sure those machines are able to ping the K1 box using it's FQDN.

    Do a telnet test to port 443 against that FQDN.

    Are all your devices showing as Offline or just some of them?

    If you go to Settings › Support › Diagnostic Utilities

    Pick Services, see if you see any services in failed status - Channeler 7 years ago
  • Sorry for the delayed reply, Thank you for the updates, unable to check these test/settings as i'm not having devices access and sitting remote in location. If i can get the troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue would be much appreciated, Thanks - Mohamad Nazrulla 7 years ago

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