
Updating K1000 to 5.4

Currently updating K1000 to 5.4 from v5.3 and I have been told that the backup must be smalled than 150mb. 


The current backup on the server is 161mb. I just want to know what would be the best way of going about this? I don't even mind downloading the back-up to my local PC and deleting the backup if I knew how?


Could anyone assist me? 

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: dugullett 11 years ago
Red Belt

It will actually throw up an error if it is too large. Support has some fixes that will shrink it if needed, but you shouldn't need it at that size. 

  • How do i go removing the backup? Can't seem to find anyone under the settings panel? - Mobzy 11 years ago
    • With ORGs enabled.

      Without ORGs.

      Download File Backup
      Download Database Backup - dugullett 11 years ago
  • Hey Dug,

    Ok, excuse me for being really thick here but I downloaded both of the files above but on the Kace server it still says I have the backups?

    This will interrupt my upgrade no? - Mobzy 11 years ago
    • I'm not sure I follow? Where does is say you still have the backups?

      You should have two files a .tgz, and a .gz. If you have those two downloaded those are you current backups. Those files should have todays date (if you are doing a nightly backup). - dugullett 11 years ago
      • Sorry If I am not being clear, I am referring to the Kace documentation on their website which states that in order for me to run the update, my backup file has to be a specific size;

        *Size of backup (kbox_dbdata.gz) must be smaller then 150Mb

        It currently isn't and I'm just trying to figure out a way in which I can get it to 150mb or less? I've downloaded it to my PC and made a local copy.

        If I just run the update to 5.4, will it allow me to proceed anyway?

        Again, Sorry If I am not being clear here.

        http://i.imgur.com/uiDZhbS.png - Mobzy 11 years ago
      • When you start the update it does a check. If it is too large it will stop and prompt you to contact support, and no changes will be made at that time. You can continue using as it. If it is too large after contacting support they will have you run some patches that will shrink it.

        I'm thinking you should be ok though. Go ahead and try it. I would allow plenty of time. Mine took 4.5 hours, but I had a much larger database. - dugullett 11 years ago
    • Use this: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/how-to-manually-run-the-backup-script-and-retrieve - jknox 11 years ago
  • Great, everything went smoothly! Thanks for the help guys! - Mobzy 11 years ago

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