
Upgrading to 8.X on Hyper-V problems?

Hello all,

I have the V7.2.101 version of the SMA running in Hyper-V on a Server 2012.
I attempted an upgrade to the 8.X version. It "looked" like it upgraded OK, however the network adapter of the K1000 stopped communicating with the network. 

I tried setting the IP to DHCP on the SMA, but it would only grab an APIPA address. Setting the SMA back to a static address did not help either. The SMA would not connect to the network. I finally had to rename the .VHDX file for the drive, copy in a backup copy of the .VHDX, and restore the backup from the night before.

Has anyone else tried to update to 8.X on the Hyper-V version in 2012?
Has anyone else had problems on Hyper-V 2012?
Does the 8.X version only work on the Hyper-V versions in 2012R2 and up?

I've looked but did not see any caveats regarding the version of Hyper-V that it runs on, but I could have missed something. 


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • very strange...

    Check these two KBs



    If you are in compliance with those steps, then maybe pull backups, spin up an 8.0 VM and restore backups, test, and get rid of the old one. - Channeler 7 years ago
  • currently there seems to be an issue with FreeBSD in Hyper-V for Windows 2012 (R2 and 2016 work well)
    the Bugnumber for that is: K1-19714
    Probably support can help. - Nico_K 7 years ago

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