
What might be the easiest way around wanting to be able to deploy a handful of Images on remote site, but still not able to use RSA with Hyper-V?

Would It be more practical to have an Instance of another K2000 server appliance set up on a remote site, as a VMware K2000..?? Can anyone tell me, if licensing would be an Issue here?? Or what might be a best practice in using Hyper-V, and wanting to move forward on a type of RSA, of sorts..?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..

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  • Thanks.. We have a .ovf VM on remote site already.. Because It is already .ovf, could we store Wimage on it and create ovf/rsa on the Hyper-V main appliance?? At least remote wm is ovf.. Would that work? - Thik-n-the-head 9 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
An rsa would limit the traffic on the wan.  You can set up RSA's linked to the main k2 and the only cost will be for the vm you are putting it on, RSA's are included in your purchase of the k2.

Another alternative is to store your wims externally and put just the wim files at sites then you will not have to maintain the RSA's



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