Windows XP Hardware Agnostic K-Image
I'm trying to setup an hardware agnostic k-image for windows XP with our K2000 box, unfortunately i'm running into some problems and I hope someone can point me into the right direction here.
We only use Dell models (Optiplex and Lattitude ) and I'm trying to create a single new image for future installations, currently we use a different Ghost image for every model.
Steps I've taken:
1. Installed an XP workstation on a Optiplex 790 with everything we need and all updates. Sysprepped it and made an image with Kace following this guide:
2. Installed the following 2 tasks: driver_feed_mid_task & install_drivers.exe according to this blog I found:
3. Added the 2 tasks I mentioned earlier to my image ( )
4. In the Library -> Driver Feed, I enabled and installed all models we use.
When I deploy an image to a Optiplex 790 there's no problem because the image was made on a 790. But when deploying it to a different model, it gets deployed without a problem but as soon a the XP startup screen appears, a BSOD happens. So it's probably missing the required drivers.
Is there a step I'm missing or am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks in advance,
Answers (3)
Did you recache the drivers after you added them in the driver feed?
Driver feeds automatically recache once the drivers are finished downloading. Dont really need to recache a driver feed however, the only reason it recahces is because it places a network driver in the Driver share. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
I've recached the drivers and made a new sysprep making sure I selected mini-setup + reseal. Then I deployed the image to a test pc but unfortunately it still gives a BSOD as soon as the windows xp logo appears.
@Andrew_lubchansky, I didn't include the quotes in the command line.
If you go to System Inventory and look into the record for a different model, check the driver compatibility report. Switch the OS to Windows XP. Looking at this report, does the storage controller driver have a red or green symbol? Its possible that you need to provide a few additional drivers for Win XP earlier in the install process. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
I've checked the driver compatibility in the System Inventory,
The Optiplex 7010 is the only model where the SATA driver is shown red, other models like 790, 780 and Lattitude E6530 show the SATA drivers in green.
But all models fail to boot besides the model where the image was created on.
Thanks for help so far. - Derovian 11 years ago