this is what i use when deploying with SCCM 2012.
for Active X:
msiexec /i flash_player_12_active_x.msi /quiet /norestart /log "C:\WIndows\Temp\flashActivX12.log"
For Plugin:
msiexec /i flash_player_12_plugin.msi /quiet /norestart /log "C:\WIndows\Temp\flashPlugin12.log"
If you want to do the installation with the updates feature turned off, do this:
install Flash player by running a batch file that includes the following:
md %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash
copy mms.cfg %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash
msiexec /i flash_player_12_active_x.msi /quiet /norestart /log "C:\WIndows\Temp\flashActivX12.log"
the "mms.cfg" file includes this text in it :
Here are 2 vbs scripts for install and uninstall Adobe Flash Player 12:
- both scripts are running in silent mode.
- the install script is set the Auto Update - Disabled (-au 2)
Option Explicit Dim strScriptPath : strScriptPath = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")-1) Dim objWSH Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") DisableSecurity() 'Run a exe setup '================ Dim INSTALL_ACTIVEX_CMD, INSTALL_PLUGIN_CMD INSTALL_ACTIVEX_CMD = """" & strScriptPath & "\install_flash_player_12_active_x.exe"" -install -au 2" INSTALL_PLUGIN_CMD = """" & strScriptPath & "\install_flash_player_12_plugin.exe"" -install -au 2" objWSH.Run INSTALL_ACTIVEX_CMD,,True objWSH.Run INSTALL_PLUGIN_CMD,,True Sub DisableSecurity() Dim objEnvProc, objWSH Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objEnvProc = objWSH.Environment("PROCESS") objEnvProc("SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS") = 1 End Sub
- the script is installing the Adobe Flash Player 12 ActiveX and the Plugin with Auto Update disabled.
- the DisableSecurity sub is used to disable the security warnigs.
Option Explicit Dim strScriptPath : strScriptPath = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")-1) Dim objWSH Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Run a exe setup '================ Dim CMD_Remove_ActiveX, CMD_Remove_Plugin Dim UninstallCMD, UninstallRegKey UninstallCMD = GetRegValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX\UninstallerPath") CMD_Remove_ActiveX = UninstallCMD & " -uninstall" objWSH.Run CMD_Remove_ActiveX,,True DeleteFolder("c:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed") DeleteFolder("c:\Windows\System32\Macromed") Function ExistRegKey(regKey) Dim wshShell, str Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") On Error Resume Next str = wshShell.RegRead(regKey) If str = "" Then ExistRegKey = False Else ExistRegKey = True End If Set wshShell = Nothing End Function Function GetRegValue(regKey) Dim wshShell, str Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") If ExistRegKey(regKey) Then str = wshShell.RegRead(regKey) GetRegValue = str Else GetRegValue = "NOT FOUND" End If Set wshShell = Nothing End Function Function DeleteFolder(strFolderPath) Dim objFSO Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If (objFSO.FolderExists (strFolderPath)) Then objFSO.DeleteFolder (strFolderPath) End if End Function
- the script is removing the Adobe Flash Player 12 ActiveX and Plugin.
- Both scrips are working with all minor versions of Adobe Flash Player 12
- In order to use the scripts, just copy them in the same folder with install_flash_player_12_active_x.exe and install_flash_player_12_plugin.exe files.
Important note: these scripts are workin only with exe installers downloaded from Adobe portal:
Rather than faff about with adding files via a transform, just ammend the custom action that does the install (NewCustomAction1) to add -au 2 to the end of the command line.
This generates the mms.cfg file with the following contents:
SilentAutoUpdateEnable=0 AutoUpdateDisable=1
Thanks for the idea packageologist! To elaborate for those like myself still learning,
1. Open the Flash msi file using an editor like orca.
2. Inside Orca, Select CustomAction from Tables on the left pane.
3. Find the "NewCustomAction1" Action on the right pane and find the cell in the "Target" column. The cell it should show -install -msi
4. Double click the cell and add "-au 2" as packageologist mentioned above. The cell should now read "-install -msi -au 2" without the quotes of course.
5. save your modified MSI and you're off and running.
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i install Flash player by running a batch file with this Inside:
md %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash
copy mms.cfg %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash
msiexec /i flash_player_12_active_x.msi /quiet /norestart /log "C:\WIndows\Temp\flashActivX12.log"
then, the mms.cfg file includes this text in it :
AutoUpdateInterval=0 - KevinViolette 10 years ago
InstallAX_12_0_0_44.exe -install -au 2
with the au 2 command turning the updates off. I confirmed though MSCONFIG and the mms.cfg file created that it did the trick. Since its an exe however, the uninstaller string was this
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_44_ActiveX.exe -uninstall -force
which I just don't like as much as the MSI
MsiExec.exe /X{52793F88-BF4D-4AA6-8696-80E72CE758B1} /qn
I tried your method but after install I notice "Adobe Flash Player Updater Service" has shown up in MSCONFIG, does that mean your method is not supressing updates? Even if it is, is there a way so that service is not added? The EXE method I used above does NOT add that service.
Also is there a reason mms.cfg doesn't need to be copied to the %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash folder? - indigoataxia 10 years ago