12.x feedack?
Any feedback on those that upgraded to 12.x (SMA)? Any issues or comments on new features or fixes? I guess looking at "all queues" is now more accurate.. currently we dont even try it. It seems like a jump to from 11.x to 12.x should be a big one but I didnt see too much in terms of new features. Any comments?
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We haven't had any issues so far. It has it's quirks, but what KACE product doesn't? - AFCUjstrick 2 years ago
Ive updated our dev server. It is amazing to me that Quests own service desk portal is more advanced than it's own product. In over two years working with kace sma Ive yet to see cosmetic advancement.. I was hopeful with 12 Id see something. Still the ugly "Need help?" green/blue square with an exclamation point triangle on the customer landing page. And then, when you want to report a problem, rather than a nice drop down list of queues you get the IBM System 36 terminal menu. It's a real shame. - barchetta 2 years ago
By the way, anyone know what in this upgrade constitutes a full version upgrade? This is a .x upgrade at best. I'll probably be cancelled for these comments but Im just stating the obvious. - barchetta 2 years ago
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