
Clear inventory after imageing


We currently have an issue that new imaged machines do not receive software.

When we image an existing machine and give it the same name, the K1000 keeps the old inventory information (even after a manual inventory) and does not send new software to the imaged machine.

Does anyone know a solution for this?

Thank you in advance.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Does anyone have an idea for this issue?
    We need to empty the inventory information of an asset after it has been reimaged. - Loei 5 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 5 years ago
Red Belt

what do you mean with "old inventory information"?
The new device takes over the old asset, this is works as designed.

You may need to decide if the device is newly imaged or not.

I by myself use a Custom Inventory Rule which checks for the KACE deployment file and its age. This helps me to decide if the device is new. 
With this CIR I built a new_devices-label and linked all software to it.
So new devices get all nessesary software.

  • The newly imaged device remains in Kace, but the inventory information that was present before it was re-imaged, also remains. Therefor the device does not receive new software, because the inventory shows it is already installed. I need to reset the inventory information on devices that have been re-imaged. - Loei 5 years ago
    • please update to 9.0
      In previous versions there was a bug K1-19899 which caused this.
      A workaround is: delete the old inventory items. - Nico_K 5 years ago
      • Our K1000 is currently on 9.0.270. - Loei 5 years ago
  • Does anyone have an idea for this issue?
    We need to empty the inventory information of an asset after it has been reimaged. - Loei 5 years ago
    • As Nico suggested , try manually deleting the inventory item (not the associated asset record) and then force the device to check in and it should create a fresh record - Hobbsy 5 years ago
      • Can you please explain what you mean by deleting the inventory "item"? - Loei 5 years ago
      • In your SMA Console go to Inventory>Devices and find the item you wish to delete. Tick the box alongside the item and then Choose Action>Force Inventory. Tick the box again and select Choose Action>Delete. With luck the inventory item will be deleted but the request to the agent on the machine will be valid, thus forcing the agent to check in and create a fresh inventory item for the device - Hobbsy 5 years ago
      • Manually deleting the assets from inventory is something I am trying to avoid as some of our clients image computers themselves whilst we manage the Kace environment. There is no automated process for this? - Loei 5 years ago
      • Thank you for your reply. I did indeed delete the device inventory record, not the asset record, miscommunication from my part. The problem is that I manually need to delete the device inventory item before the software is being deployed, because as you say, the inventory record will still show that the software is installed. - Loei 5 years ago
Posted by: Hobbsy 5 years ago
Red Belt

So KACE Inventory/Asset /Agent Management 1.1

When an agent is installed on a machine and it checks in for the first time, it creates an INVENTORY record. What it also does is create an asset record that is linked to the inventory record, the link being defined within the device asset type.

The Asset exists to allow you to add additional data to the record such as location, user , status etc, but it also exists to hold the history of the Inventory record. So every time the inventory is updated by the machine check in, any changes to the data found is written to the Asset record.

Software installed is held within the INVENTORY record, so if your managed installations are trying to identify missing software so that installation can happen, they are looking at the INVENTORY record.

So when I suggested that you delete the INVENTORY record, you will be leaving in place the ASSET record which contains all of the important data.

If the INVENTORY record is missing when the device checks in, KACE will create a fresh INVENTORY record, and look to see if it should link to an existing ASSET record, so if the software is no longer installed, the managed installation should fire for you.

If none of the above makes sense, can I suggest you take our Benchmark Survey for the SMA by clicking here and then use your free hours consultancy to go through the KACE basics and help you troubleshoot??

  • The trouble is when imaging an existing machine with the same computer name, the same inventory record is used. We manage over 2000 machines for this client and deleting every inventory record after a machine is re-imaged is not my idea of automated device management. - Loei 4 years ago
    • If what you are suggesting is true i.e. that when a device is rebuilt that the inventory record still shows previously installed, now no longer installed software and a "force inventory" does not update the data, then you have an issue that support will need to help you with. The basic functionality of the agent is that when it checks in it rewrites the inventory record and records any changes in the Asset record. If that is not happening AND you are on the latest version (10.1) with at least a 9.x agent then you should log a support call - Hobbsy 4 years ago
      • Thank you Hobbsy, I will log a ticket right now. But are we the only one running into this issue? - Loei 4 years ago
      • All I can say is I do not recall seeing this issue with any other customer and the behaviour that you describe is not that which I would term as "Expected" - Hobbsy 4 years ago

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