Dell Venue 11 Pro 5130 cannot boot to VK2000
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Hello All,
This is my first time posting. I'm trying to set up a scripted installation in my VK2000 for a Dell Venue 11 Pro 5130 running Win8.1 32-bit. Its current BIOS version is A11. I've uploaded my source media, added the drivers to the correct (I hope) areas of the Samba Share and rebuilt my KBE.
When trying to boot to the K2000, I turn on my machine, press F12 and enter the one time boot menu. My only options in this area are: Windows Boot Manager, UEFI: IP4, and UEFI: IP6. The boot manager obviously loads my hard drive. When selecting one of the other two, I get a screen that says:
Checking Media Presence....
Start PXE Over IPv4
Downloading NBP file....
It then starts again with IPv6 and then boots to the hard drive.
I would really appreciate any insight or ideas y'all might have.
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