
How can I find out how many times a user opens a program each day?

I am trying to find out if there is a way to run some sort of report showing how many times a group of users use a certain program.  Is there a way to see how many times they have used a program?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • you have to setup software metering to track this - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: jegolf 10 years ago
Red Belt

You can use the software metering feature. It however has a few issues - at least in my usage. Some applications that were metered stopped collecting usage history and I can't get them to work again. The metering service (KSWMeterSvc.exe) sometimes disables machines by consuming large amounts of RAM. This all may be addressed in the latest v6 release...

  • I was planning on tracking how many users use Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint on a daily basis. I have about 110 workstations. Do you think it is safe to run this? I just do not want it to disable any workstations. - tsienkiewicz@ldirx.com 10 years ago
    • As long as you're aware of a possible issue you can fix it quickly. We're talking a handful of times in my case but I just wanted to mention it. On a few machines I just disabled metering as it kept repeatedly causing issues. On some machines I just restarted the service. Others have mentioned these issues on the forum too... - jegolf 10 years ago

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