
If I increase the CPU and memory in SMA, is there a way to keep the application running even if the number of connections per hour in communication settings exceeds 500?

If you go to Settings > Provisioning > Communication Settings in SMA, you can adjust the cycle of Agent Inventory, Agentless Inventory, etc. and the number of connections per hour is displayed below. However, the number of connections per hour for agent Inventory and Scripting Update in the SMA I am currently using seems to be quite high. As a result, inventory is not working well, and it has been confirmed that there are a significant number of devices that remain pending in the patch schedule.

However, the person in charge said he would like to receive agent inventory information in real time and update the script twice a day.

So, they say they want to solve this situation by increasing SMA's CPU and memory performance.

I would like to know if this can be solved by increasing SMA CPU and memory performance.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 11 months ago
Red Belt
All the numbers you mentioned are not that important, the load averages do. Since if the load average is low (<5) then nothing has to wait really.
You should do the following:
1. check under settings | support | run diagnostic tools | top the result: 
The first linke contains the load averages now and over time.
Also you can see CPU and Memory usage to determine if more needs to be used.
Make sure that Swap: 32G Total is set (or you have an old image which needs to be renewed, which means: setup a new appliance and restore thje backup)
Also you can see what tasks are running (info: WCPU can be >100% this means, that more cores are used, so not a problem at first glance)
With that you can determine if more RAM/CPU can be useful (if you have 99% idle more CPU does not make sense as example)

2. check under settings | support |Agent Command Queue how many tasks are waiting to run (ROT: the less the better, <1/agent is a good thing, if starting a script this could suddenly fill and then it may be interesting how long it needs to put the queue to the agents)
3. check under settings | support | Agent Task status which tasks are currently runnung and are waiting to run (ROT: same as above)
4. make sure you have the latest version of server and agent (as of today: 13.2.182 server and 13.2.23 agent)
5. how many clients/agents do you use?

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