K1000 Patching still deploying random software
Hey So i'm knew to using the k1000 to patch we've mostly been using it as a ticking system.
Anyway I've been looking into using it to patch updates, now the first thing i did wrong was under subscriptions i had it patch non security / security / software installer. It installed a load of random software on my machine and i quick google search showed me the error of my ways.
I removed all the software unticked software installer and then created a new schedule to patch my machine. It has now reinstalled all the software I removed again despite software installer being unticked and all the software being removed. Any idea why this is?
I'm not using smart labels at all for my schedule i've just got it set to only patch my machine.
Answers (1)
Top Answer
I setup 2 Patch Smart Labels and 2 Patch Schedules, one for the computers that should get the updates early for testing, and one for the rest of the computers. I first run a detect on all the computers, then run the deploy on the different sets of computers. The main difference is in the Smart Labels, where I want to wait a few days after a patch is released before deploying it. They're something like this:
but i've unchecked the box removed all the software from my PC and changed separated the detect and deploy functions into two separate schedules.
do you have publishers set to all?
I was thinking about smart labels but i'm not really sure where to start with them...I basically want everything patched every bit of software and every windows patch - terryj 5 years ago