
LDAP Label to capture selected AD users

I'm trying to create an LDAP Label of User type, that will only apply to AD users based on their title or the department where they are working. Specifically, on my search filter, I'm looking for people who has a title of *manager*, or *supervisors* or *leads*, or *administrators* and users that are working in IT department and working in the Executive department.
Here's how my search filter looks like: (&(|(|(|(|(|(title=*manager*)(title=*supervisor*))(title=*lead*))(title=*administrator*))(department=*Information*))(department=*Executive*)))
When I try to test out my Search filter, the result shows the correct AD individuals, so I would go forth and save the LDAP label (associated with a manual label), thinking that KBOX will search for any AD users on the K1000 users list that are managers, supervisors, leads, and people working in IT and the Executive team and apply the label on these selected users.

The problem is though, later on, I find that this LDAP label gets applied to ALL AD users listed in our KBOX.

I would like to know how to make it so that the label is only applied to the people that were seen by my search filter. I'm thinking this is possible and isn't this one of LDAP labels capability?
I appreciate all the help.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • We assign LDAP labels in a similar fashion except I created a single label for each title I want to track. A little more time consuming but much easier to manage. This way, if I need to add a new title or change/remove an existing one I don't have to worry about breaking one of the others.

    Also, in my experience the LDAP label will only get assigned to the user at the time they log in. - jmarotto 10 years ago
  • Thanks jmarotto for the comment. So you guys don't have issues with the ldap labels getting applied to All AD users like what I am having? Are you guys on 6.2 K1000 version? CBlake posted an answer here that says it's a known bug and that we need to upgrade to 6.2 version to fix this. - allenn 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: cblake 10 years ago

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