
Queue Email Itself

I've ran into a road block.  Without going into detail I'm trying to create a rule that when ticket A is closed an email is sent to create ticket B.  Both tickets are in the same queue.
I have verified that the email is sent, the email is delivered, and the email is being POPed. However the ticket is not being created.  If a different queue sends and email to this queue it creates the ticket just fine.

5 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Try creating a contact in your Exchange server to point to your queue email. Then have the rule send to the contact email address which then forwards back to KACE. If it works then you know there's something about the KACE config that won't let it have the same TO and FROM email addresses. - h2opolo25 10 years ago
  • I tried that and it still didn't work. Also the TO and FROM are different. - mds1981 10 years ago
    • mostly you are not allowing the "sender" to send an email.
      Go to Ticketsystem › Configuration › Queue Detail and enable "Accept email from unknown users" (or create a user with the correct mail attribute and allow it to send) - Nico_K 10 years ago
  • I have found that the system won't let itself create a ticket this way and I'm not sure why. I believe it worked on earlier versions of the appliance but stopped somewhere around 5.5. - chucksteel 10 years ago
  • I tried the accept email from unknown users. The pop account is set to "accountsetup@domain.com" however the alternate address is "tickets@domain.com", so the system must be reading something in the header to determine the email is coming from the same queue. I have other queues send to this queue using the same "tickets@domain.com" address and it works. This is killing my workflow, not sure of a workaround for this one. - mds1981 10 years ago
  • The strange thing is, if I send the exact same email manually (not throught a ticket rule) from accountsetup@domain.com to accountsetup@domain.com a ticket is created just fine - mds1981 10 years ago
    • Try and see if it'll allow you to create a ticket with SQL rather than email. Something like INSERT INTO HD_TICKET(...)(values(...) - h2opolo25 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: mds1981 10 years ago
Orange Belt
After an extensive ticket opened with Support this is by design with no way to "trick" the system.  A queue cannot send an email back to itself.

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