Some devices not provisioning to KACE 9.1.204
I've been able to provision about 80% of my devices on my network to the latest KACE agent version, however some keep erroring out:
Running as SYSTEM Launched Process: cmd.exe The system cannot find the file specified. Creating process returned non-zero: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /c copy "C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\5\ampagent-9.1.204-x86.msi" "C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\user\ampagent-9.1.204-x86.msi": (0) The operation completed successfully. Error Code: 0 Status Code: 1
A few of these devices are in different cities so going to them to install isn't exactly easy. Any ideas of what I could do to allow these to go through or should I just try to figure out a way to update manually?
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Answers (1)
Answer Summary:
Finally got it. I had to uninstall the versions that wouldn't update, download the agent msi package, and reinstall on the affected computers using managed installations.
Finally got it. I had to uninstall the versions that wouldn't update, download the agent msi package, and reinstall on the affected computers using managed installations.
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5 years ago