
Sorting PCs on KACE by department

I know that I can add labels to each PC, and even smart labels. But is there a way that I can set up a folder structure for our PCs by Department without using labels?

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Posted by: cdittfurth 7 years ago
Senior White Belt
I don't think you can do folders per say, but you can build custom searches that you save. That's the easy method without touching smart labels, but it won't help much if your naming scheme doesn't include the department. 

We have about 22,000 machines on our network now and a good naming scheme and smart labels can save you tons of time sorting. It takes some time to get your mind around smart labels and how to use them, but once you do...it's an extremely powerful tool for targeting groups of computers. If you're in a small environment(Less than 100 computers)...I wouldn't bother with it. 

You could go simple. You could place a file with the name of the department in a hidden folder on the computer(build it into your image if you have department specific images). You then make a smart label that looks for that name in that location on the machine. If it finds the file with the name "Accounting" in that folder...it becomes a member of the Accounting smart label. I'm using accounting as an example. It's going to be different for your network setup. Let's say one department has the same model computer, you could search by model, processor, or any number of things. 

Basically you need to design something to live on the computer(file, registry flag, ext). In our environment we have the K2000 as well. We have a script that comes up and asks what registry flags to use at the start of the imaging process. When I image an administrative computer, I select "Administrator" in that script. It then adds that registry flag that the K1000 looks for. When it inventorys, it adds that computer to that smart label group. You can then create searches that just target that group. 

Again naming scheme can help you, but that's only if it's set up right. I'll give you an example. In our environment the naming scheme is this. School, Room, Serial(22-B120-42DJ5R). This lets me target the school with a simple "22-" search. Or just the room with a "22-B120-". That could be a simple answer, but if that won't work for you....registry flags. You just need something on the machines that KACE can look for to denote what goes where. That's all smart labels are. They take some time to wrap your head around...trust me on that. 

Sorry for the rant, but I hope this somewhat helped.
Posted by: Nico_K 7 years ago
Red Belt
you cannot sort them in folders.
Besides the labels, name or registry tweaks you can use an orgs license. This splits the appliance in multiple orgs so you can have all accounting in the org accounting and the it in the org it and they are separated. You can setup admins for each org which don't have access to the other orgs.
Your non orgs appliance needs to get a new license for this feature. Contact your sales rep for upgrading the license (it is free)

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