
SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) and K1000 - unable to query the DB

Can I use SQL Server Reporting Services to access the K1000 Database and create reports? I have enabled database access and have installed the MySQL database connector. I can't seem to establish a connection to the DB. I get an ERROR IM002 error on SSRS.

I am able to access the database using MySQL Workbench without any issues. Also other reporting tools are able to access the database. I'm just having issues with SSRS. Any tips or suggestions to get it working with SSRS would be appreciated.


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Answers (2)

Posted by: thewruck 9 years ago
White Belt
I just set up a SSRS connection to Kace in my environment. (SQL Server 2008R2 SP1 and using ReportBuilder3 and the mySQL 3.51 drivers). There might be a way around this problem, but I have always had to add both the 64 bit and the 32 bit driver; reportbuilder3 likes 32bit for report setup, but 64bit for report execution. I created 2 identically named DSN's:
  • 64 bit in %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
  • 32 bit in %windir%\sysWOW64\odbcad32.exe (how's that for counter intuitive)

Then I created a datasource in SSRS, only mentioning the DSN in the connection string

Within 10 minutes, I was off to the races

**Please NOTE**
There is no visible difference between the 32 & 64 bit ODBC applications; Just make sure that you have a DSN in both locations. If you developing on your local machine and saving to the report server, you will need to install drivers and create DSN's on both the server (for subscribed reports) and on your development machine(s).

Posted by: BHC-Austin 10 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

ERROR IM002 means "Data source name not found and no default driver specified" so you likely just need to go into your ODBC settings and create an entry under System DSN that connects to your KBOX.

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