
Ticket priority based on impact

We would like to automatically assign priority (instead of just use the default priority of "medium") based on the impact the end user submits in their new ticket. I'd like to map it up like the following:
Multiple users cannot work = High priority
Multiple users inconvenienced = Medium priority
1 user cannot work = High priority
1 user inconvenienced = Medium priority
Not applicable/None = Low priority

I know I can set this using the wizard and several mini rules that check these things. Or I can use a fancy sql rule to do all of the checks in one swoop. Any assistance?

Thanks in advance!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 9 years ago
Red Belt

If you are not an SQL guru (like me) set up a set of rules that reads the impact and sets the priority.

If you can write SQL into the select statement that does all of the selections for you

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