Trying to add CCTK to a customized boot environment
I have a k2000 that I am trying to upload a custom KBE to including the CCTK. When attempting to upload the KBE I am receiving an error. I have the CCTK installed and I am including the following command:
X:\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe bootorder --sequence=embnic,cdrom,hdd
The error message is:file not found - build_winpe4.bat.
It appears that the build continues on but then comes up with an pop up window with nothing but the word "error" and no other details.
I have the latest version of the KBE manipulator and I have the latest version of the K2000 media manager. I have tried re-installing the media manager and have followed the steps in the following KB article. Still no luck. Anyone have any ideas?
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you want to use winpe 3 or 5 Microsoft does really support 4 any longer they will tell you to go to 5 - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
I am using version 3 and I have tried for version 5. The manipulator doesn't give the option to use 4 which is really puzzling. - Timi 10 years ago
what version of the KBEM do you have? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
The latest version. It doesn't show the version number that I can see but when I run the update checker it comes back with the message "There is no new version at this time" - Timi 10 years ago
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