
What "Run Parameters" do I need in order to install a exe file?

I am trying to install a program with the Managed Installation and it keeps failing.  I am trying to find the correct "Run Parameters" that I need in order to install this exe file.  The program starts to install, but when it needs to select the "Continue" button, it just stops. I am trying to install the Dell KM632 Wireless Keyboard Caps Lock Indicator.

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  • It depends on the application. Applications use different parameters...try opening a command prompt, point to the .exe and run a /? at the end or /help to see if the vendor has any information on it. Typically a /S or /quiet will work. - nshah 10 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: pjgeutjens 10 years ago
Red Belt

I had a quick look at the installer and it looks like an InstallShield setup to me, so try using -r -f1<path to response file> and see what you get

if a response file gets generated then use setup.exe -s -f1<path to response file> -f2<path to log file>

that being said, better option would be to capture the driver files out of the package and repackaging them using something like DifxApp, but that requires some MSI authoring tools

Posted by: tsienkiewicz@ldirx.com 10 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt

This exe file ended up having to be unzipped and it put it in the folder C:\Dell\Drivers\YPN75. Then I had to use that setup.exe file and just run a /s. This installed it silently.

Posted by: jknox 10 years ago
Red Belt

I'd guess offhand that you would need admin rights to install it since it's a driver.  Try installing it under the local system account:http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/solutiondetail?sol=SOL111788

Short of that, try running the executable from the command line with a /? or /help or something like that to see if it has any modifiers.  It might not.

Short of that, enable debug on the agent and check the logs.  Post them here or engage KACE support.

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