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Views: 11.3k  |  Created: 08/29/2009

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Deployment Tips (4)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
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Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
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Not Determined
For a Silent Install, copy the Adobe Photoshop Elements folder from the Photoshop Elements 7 CD to a folder on your hard drive.

Open the Setup.ini file (located in the folder you copied above) in Notepad.

Add /qn to the end of the CommandLine0 line. It should now read as follows:
CommandLine0=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 (en_us).msi" /qn

Add your Serial Number in the [OEM] section of the file. It should read as follows:

(Replace the "x"'s with your volume licence serial number - including the dashes)

Save the changes and close Notepad.

Create an "application.xml.override" file:

Start Notepad and paste the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Data key="EULA">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Serial" protected="0">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</Data>
<Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>

Replace the "x"'s in the Serial Data key with your 24-digit volume license serial number. Do not include the dashes.

Choose File > Save.

In the Encoding field, choose UTF-8.

Name the file "application.xml.override"
Save the file in the Adobe Photoshop Elements folder you copied at the start.
If the file is saved as a .txt extension you will have to rename it to remove the .txt

To start the installation, double-click on Setup.exe in the folder you copied at the start.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

If you add a Property "SERIALNUMBER" to the Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 (en_us).msi you could start the installation using the msi directly instead of using the setup.exe.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

To avoid the registration screen from popping up, just add a file named "com.adobe.57.registration" with the content "never" into the %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Adobe folder.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Having tried editing the MSIs to try and incorporate the serialnumber, suppress updates, blah, properties and getting not very far. I used WIWW and a fairly graceless scheme to get ADS to push it out via a GPO.

Just as a point of interest, I tried editing the common.msi and the as well as creating an administrative install and editing the common.msi from that; all of them resulted in PSE7 installing but refusing to run with an error about the licensing being invalid. I adapted various MSI edits from v6 but to no avail. Thus, it ended up looking like this ugly beast - >

1. Setup PSE7 for a silent install with whatever other options you want as described in the above posts. Move it to the usual network share you put your packages in.

2. Install Windows Installer Wrapper Wizard from http://www.vinsvision.com/Downloads/tabid/57/Default.aspx if you haven't already. WIWW doesn't like to create wrappers for other MSIs which is what PSE7 is. One reason being that the wrapper will be using the Windows installation service thus stopping the MSI the wrapper calls from being able to run. One way round this is to chain two batch files with a pause on the second to allow the WIWW wrapper to finish and free up the install service. Without chaining them the wrapper will wait until the first batch file has ended, thus defeating the object.

3. In the network share you've put PSE7, create two batch files called instPSE7-pt1.bat & instPSE7-pt2.bat. In instPSE7-pt1.bat add the line:

start "Oink!" /B "\\Path\to\Packages\Adobe Photoshop Elements\V7\Adobe Photoshop Elements\installAPEv7-Pt2.bat"

The /B switch hides the window to prevent anyone hitting ^C and getting a system level cmd prompt, though if they know it's there thy might be able to get round that so beware.

4. In instPSE7-pt2.bat add the lines:

ping -n 10
"\\Path\to\Packages\Adobe Photoshop Elements\V7\Adobe Photoshop Elements\setup.exe"

The ping is just an easy way to make sure the wrapper has had time to finish.

5. Start WIWW, press 'Next' then 'Browse' and then navigate to the network share you put PSE7 in. Type the name of the wrapper MSI, 'setupPSE7.msi' or something I suppose. Press 'OK' and 'Next.'

6. Press 'Add' check 'Use [SourceDir]' and then 'Browse.' Then navigate to instPSE7-pt1.bat and hit 'Open.' Choose 'OK' and 'Next.'

7. Here you could create two more batch files to let you uninstall PSE7 via GPO. The second batch file should call "msiexec /x {CB6075D9-F912-40AE-BEA6-E590DA24F16B} /qn" to remove PSE7 quietly. Without this the GPO will only be able to uninstall the wrapper.

8. That don press 'Next' once or twice, choosing whatever options you want along the way and giving it a sensible name; not 'Photoshop Elements' as you won;t be able to distinguish it from the actual program.

You should know be able to point the GPO to the wrapper MSI and it'll install fine. Best check it first by running 'installAPEv7.bat'.

This is an ugly and lumbering way to do it. If someone could hack the actual MSIs and post the details, it'd be much better and make me very happy. In the meantime, it does work.

Just as an addendum, the uninstall doesn't seem to work with chained bat files; I think the installer is dropping privileges when it gets called, either by the first or the second bat file. You could use Sysinternals psexec or something to ensure it gets called with the right privileges. Actually, I haven't tried it being called by the GPO, so maybe it might work.

Ho hum.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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