API offset operator is not working (7.1)
Just wondering if anyone has had issues using the offset parameter when calling...eg: ".../inventory/machines?offset 10" OR ".../inventory/machines?offset 10 limit 5" - it seems to ignores the offset and always returns me the same machine.
I have other operators working - like shaping/sorting. The offset is not being respected.
If it matters, I'm writing this with PowerShell.
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6 years ago
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I think the examples are wrong in the API Reference Guide. I was able to get offset to work by setting it in the paging param: ".../api/inventory/machines?paging=offset 10"
In my tests, I also noticed that "limit" has to go BEFORE "offset" in the paging param: ".../api/inventory/machines?paging=limit 1 offset 10".