
Can I protect my k1000 reports with a password or individual permissions?

We have 3 depts on our campus using the HD module in Kace (K1000 v5.5, 6 coming soon tho). They each have their own queue and this is working great for us. Each of the three depts uses Reporting in Kace to gather all sorts of data and so we have several people who have access to view all of the reports, even ones that are created by other depts. Some of the data in certain reports is sensitive. Can I lock down reports for them either by Report Category (Ideal!) or by adding a pw or individual rights to certain reports? 


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  • Don't think there's much you can do here. There's no passwords or labels to stop this. You can try using different orgs for each department. That might get the results you want. - h2opolo25 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: cblake 10 years ago
Red Belt
No, you either have access, or you don't. You can schedule reports to be delivered via email, and then remove access to all that shouldn't see the sensitive info. Those that retain access would then be your on-demand report generators. Not ideal in some cases, but it is pretty common for most basic reporting tools. Please consider adding a feature request at kace.uservoice.com if you think it's worthwhile.

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