Collect/Apply Computer Name Pre/Post Installation Tasks
Hi Team,
I was just wondering if there are any changes that need to be made to the scripts that are loaded in the pre/post installation tasks? They are loaded into my (Collect) Pre-installation Tasks and (Apply) Post-installation tasks however they are not seeming to apply any name afterwards I am just getting a randomly generated name.
I am running the latest version of KACE.
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11 years ago
I may have found the answer, the apply computer name script was set to run in the runtime "K2000 Boot Environment (Windows)" not "Windows"
Testing my theory.
Post installs happen in the boot environment, so you shouldn't have to change that. Can you post the script in question? Also, is the order of your pre and post installs correct? For example, if you wipe the hard drive before the name is collected, then it won't work. - nheyne 11 years ago
Hi nheyne:
The scripts are part of KACE's built in tasks.
The collect task is before the wipe and format of the HDD, the apply computer name is a mid-level task.
Collect Computer Name Script:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set diskDrives = fso.Drives
regFound = False
'Search through fixed drives (Drivetype = 2) for required registry file.
For Each drive In diskDrives
If (drive.DriveType = 2) and drive.DriveLetter <> "X" and fso.FileExists(drive.DriveLetter & ":\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SYSTEM") Then
systemDrive = drive.DriveLetter
regFound = True
exit for
End If
'Registry not found
If regFound = False Then
End If
'Get the computer name from the registry
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set execStatus = wshShell.Exec("reg load HKLM\TEMP_SYSTEM " & systemDrive & ":\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SYSTEM")
'Wait for registry to load completely (max 10 seconds)
count = 0
Do While (count < 10) and execStatus.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 1000
count = count + 1
If execStatus.Status = 0 Then
End If
regKeyCompName = "HKLM\TEMP_SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName"
compName = wshShell.RegRead(regKeyCompName)
WshShell.Exec("reg unload HKLM\TEMP_SYSTEM")
WScript.Sleep 1000
'Dump the computer name into a file named as the mac address inside X:
If fso.DriveExists("X:") then
'Get mac adress
Set objSysEnv = wshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
macAddress = objSysEnv("MAC_ADDRESS")
Set compNameFile = fso.CreateTextFile("X:\" & macAddress, True)
usbDrive = fso.GetDriveName(wscript.ScriptFullName)
Set compNameFile = fso.CreateTextFile(usbDrive & "\KACE\ComputerName", True)
End If
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
systemDrive = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%system_drive%")
'Get ComputerName, exit script if get empty.
coputerName = GetComputerName()
If coputerName = "" Then
End If
count = 0
'Check whether its a syspreped imgage or not, if not exit the script
sysprep = False
sysprep = IsSyspreped()
If (sysprep = False) or (sysprep = "Error") Then
End If
'Check the OS type and set call appropriate function to hadle required file changes
osVersion = ""
osVersion = GetOSVersion()
If osVersion = "" Then
ElseIf mid(osVersion, 1, 1) = "6" Then
End If
'Function for getting computer name from temp file stored insided X: by pre-installtask
'Input parameter - nothing
'Returning - Computer name if found else return null string.
Function GetComputerName()
If fso.DriveExists("X:") then
Set objSysEnv = wshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
macAddress = objSysEnv("MAC_ADDRESS")
compNameFilePath = "X:\" & macAddress
usbDrive = fso.GetDriveName(wscript.ScriptFullName)
compNameFilePath = usbDrive & "\KACE\ComputerName"
End If
If fso.FileExists(compNameFilePath) Then
Set compNameFile = fso.OpenTextFile(compNameFilePath, 1)
coputerName = Trim(compNameFile.ReadLine)
'Delete file containing computer name
fso.DeleteFile compNameFilePath
coputerName = ""
End If
GetComputerName = coputerName
End Function
'Function for getting whether its a syspreped image or not
'Input parameter - nothing
'Returning - True or False or Error.
Function IsSyspreped()
If fso.FileExists(systemDrive & "\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SYSTEM") Then
Set execStatus = wshShell.Exec("reg load HKLM\TEMP_SYSTEM " & systemDrive & "\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SYSTEM")
'Wait for registry to load completely (max 10 seconds)
count = 0
Do While (count < 10) and execStatus.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 1000
count = count + 1
If execStatus.Status = 0 Then
syspreped = "Error"
End If
syspreped = "Error"
End If
regKeySysprep = "HKLM\TEMP_SYSTEM\Setup\SystemSetupInProgress"
If wshShell.RegRead(regKeySysprep) = 0 Then
syspreped = False
syspreped = True
End If
wshShell.Exec("reg unload HKLM\TEMP_SYSTEM")
WScript.Sleep 1000
IsSyspreped = syspreped
End Function
'Function for getting whether its a vista or non vista image
'Input parameter - nothing
'Returning - True or False or Error.
Function GetOSVersion()
If fso.FileExists(systemDrive & "\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SOFTWARE") Then
Set execStatus = wshShell.Exec("reg load HKLM\TEMP_SOFTWARE " & systemDrive & "\WINDOWS\System32\Config\SOFTWARE")
'Wait for registry load
count = 0
Do While count < 10 and execStatus.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 1000
count = count + 1
If execStatus.Status = 0 Then
GetOSVersion = ""
End If
GetOSVersion = ""
End If
regKeyOsVersion = "HKLM\TEMP_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion"
osVersion = wshShell.RegRead(regKeyOsVersion)
wshShell.Exec("reg unload HKLM\TEMP_SOFTWARE")
WScript.Sleep 1000
GetOSVersion = osVersion
End Function
'Function for modifying vista configuration file (Unattend.xml)
'Input parameter - nothing
'Returning - nothing
Sub ModifyVistaConfFile()
unattendedXmlFiles = Array( systemDrive & "\Unattend.xml",_
systemDrive & "\Windows\System32\sysprep\Unattend.xml",_
systemDrive & "\Windows\panther\Unattend.xml",_
systemDrive & "\Windows\panther\Autounattend.xml")
fileCreated = false
For Each unattendedXmlFile In unattendedXmlFiles
If fso.FileExists(unattendedXmlFile) Then
wshShell.Exec("regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml6.dll /s")
WScript.Sleep 1000
Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.domdocument.6.0")
objXMLDoc.async = False
objXMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
ns = "xmlns:default='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend'"
objXMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", ns
objXMLDoc.resolveExternals = False
settingsFound = false
componentFound = false
computerNameFound = false
Set settingsNodes = objXMLDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("default:settings")
for each settingsNode in settingsNodes
If settingsNode.getAttribute ("pass") = "specialize" Then
settingsFound = true
Set componentNodes = settingsNode.selectNodes("default:component")
for each componentNode in componentNodes
If componentNode.getAttribute ("name") = "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" Then
componentFound = true
Set computerNameNodes = componentNode.selectNodes("default:ComputerName")
For Each computerNameNode in computerNameNodes
computerNameFound = true
computerNameNode.text = coputerName
If computerNameFound = false Then
Set newNode = objXMLDoc.createElement("ComputerName")
Set newNodeText = objXMLDoc.createTextNode(coputerName)
newNode.appendChild newNodeText
newNode.setAttribute "xmlns", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"
componentNode.appendChild newNode
computerNameFound = true
End If
End If
If componentFound = true Then
Exit For
End If
If componentFound = false Then
AddComponent objXMLDoc, settingsNode, coputerName
componentFound = true
End If
End If
If settingsFound = true Then
Exit For
End If
If settingsFound = false Then
Set root = objXMLDoc.documentElement
Set newSettingsNode = objXMLDoc.createElement("settings")
AddComponent objXMLDoc, newSettingsNode, coputerName
newSettingsNode.setAttribute "pass","specialize"
newSettingsNode.setAttribute "xmlns", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"
root.appendChild newSettingsNode
settingsFound = true
End If
fileCreated = true
ElseIf fileCreated = false then
Set unattendedXml = fso.CreateTextFile(unattendedXmlFile, True)
systemArch = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%")
unattendedXml.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>"
unattendedXml.WriteLine "<unattend xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"" xmlns:wcm="""" xmlns:xsi="""">"
unattendedXml.WriteLine Space(2) & "<settings pass=""specialize"">"
unattendedXml.WriteLine Space(4) & "<component name=""Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"" processorArchitecture=""" & systemArch & """ publicKeyToken="""" language="""" versionScope="""">"
unattendedXml.WriteLine Space(8) & "<ComputerName>" & coputerName & "</ComputerName>"
unattendedXml.WriteLine Space(4) & "</component>"
unattendedXml.WriteLine Space(2) & "</settings>"
unattendedXml.WriteLine "</unattend>"
fileCreated = true
End If
End Sub
'Function for creating and appending child node of "component" type in "Unattend.xml"
'Input parameter - xmlDoc object, Parent Node Object and computer name
'Returning - nothing.
Sub AddComponent(objXMLDoc, newSettingsNode, compName)
Set newCompoentNode = objXMLDoc.createElement("component")
Set newComputerNode = objXMLDoc.createElement("ComputerName")
Set newComputerNodeText = objXMLDoc.createTextNode(compName)
newComputerNode.appendChild newComputerNodeText
newComputerNode.setAttribute "xmlns", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"
newCompoentNode.appendChild newComputerNode
newCompoentNode.setAttribute "name","Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"
systemArch = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%")
newCompoentNode.setAttribute "processorArchitecture",systemArch
newCompoentNode.setAttribute "publicKeyToken",""
newCompoentNode.setAttribute "language",""
newCompoentNode.setAttribute "versionScope",""
newCompoentNode.setAttribute "xmlns", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"
newSettingsNode.appendChild newCompoentNode
End Sub
'Function for modifying non-vista configuration file (sysprep.inf)
'Input parameter - nothing
'Returning - nothing.
Sub ModifyNonVistaConfFile()
sysprepInfFile = systemDrive & "\sysprep\sysprep.inf"
userDataSection = false
computerNameFound = false
If fso.FileExists(sysprepInfFile) Then
Set sysprepInf = fso.OpenTextFile(sysprepInfFile, 1)
Do Until sysprepInf.AtEndOfStream
nextLine = sysprepInf.ReadLine
Set re = new regexp
re.Pattern = "^\["
re.Global = True
If re.Test(Trim(nextLine)) Then
'Start of new section
If InStr(Trim(nextLine), "[UserData]") Then
userDataSection = true
'Start of non user data section
If userDataSection = true and computerNameFound = false Then
'Completes the UserData section but didn't find "ComputerName"
newLine = Space(4) & "ComputerName=" & Trim(coputerName)
sysprepInfTemp = sysprepInfTemp & newLine & VbCrLf
userDataSection = false
computerNameFound = true
End if
End If
If InStr(Trim(nextLine), "ComputerName") Then
'"ComputerName" found
computerNameFound = true
nextLine = Space(4) & "ComputerName=" & Trim(coputerName)
End If
End If
sysprepInfTemp = sysprepInfTemp & nextLine & VbCrLf
End If
'End of file but did not find "ComputerName
If computerNameFound = false Then
If userDataSection = false Then
'Didn't get either computer name or user data section
sysprepInfTemp = sysprepInfTemp & "[UserData]" & VbCrLf
End If
nextLine = Space(4) & "ComputerName=" & Trim(coputerName)
sysprepInfTemp = sysprepInfTemp & nextLine & VbCrLf
End If
'Modify sysprep.inf, second argument 2 - means create file if it doesn't exist.
Set sysprepInf = fso.OpenTextFile(sysprepInfFile, 2, True)
sysprepInf.WriteLine sysprepInfTemp
End Sub - cdalley 11 years ago-
We use this:
I ran into similar issues with the canned tasks that came with the K2, but these seem to work better. What is the order of your mid-level tasks? - nheyne 11 years ago-
The only mid-task we are running at the moment is the said Apply Computer Name. I will give the get/set computer name scripts a go. I just wanted to try those first rather than implement third-party scripts.
Cheers - cdalley 11 years ago
Check the PETemp folder on Kace once the Collect Name script runs to verify if it first getting collected. Are you using sysprep? If so, random name means the * is not getting replaced in the unattend.xml. You could also uncheck the auto restart, and once the image is done, go to Recovery and open your unattend. You should see the new name injected in there instead of the * for ComputerName. That should at least tell you which step is not working. Check C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml too make sure that doesn't have the * either. - SDNBTP 11 years ago
Working perfectly with the script you advised nheyne.
Just one other question - is there anyway of getting a prompt to come up if the computer did not have an allocated name previously i.e. completely wiped hard drive?
Cheers - cdalley 11 years ago-
add /dialog to the Get computer name command line and that will give you a prompt. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
hanks for that mate, is there a way to get it to check if there was a name acquired and if, then prompt? Would that require my own scripting or is there a function for this. - cdalley 11 years ago
Also, my workmate advised me that his old RIS server was able to read the GUID of the machine in question and check Active Directory as to what that GUID applies to i.e. Machine name - does KACE have this ability. - cdalley 11 years ago
As far as the prompt, /dialog will always prompt. The prompt will show you the current name and give you an opportunity to change it. If you just want to grab what is there and keep it, leave the /dialog off. You can have 2 tasks for this and use them when you need to.
You may want to look into WSName if you want to start doing some more automation with naming. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago-
If I leave the flag there would it try pick up the previous computer name and place it in this dialog field to allow us to accept/change it or it would it just wait for the input? - cdalley 11 years ago
It will place the previous name in the field and you just press OK to keep it. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
Excellent. That will do for now. Cheers. - cdalley 11 years ago
No problem. Good luck! - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
Hi Team,
Is there any script out there that could attain a computer's GUID and confirm its set name within Active Directory and apply that?
Just an idea for future. - cdalley 11 years ago-
I think there is a user voice on that, but it may be geared toward polling the K1 and not AD. - nheyne 11 years ago
That would work also, any ideas on how to get it to poll K1? - cdalley 11 years ago
Found the articles: - nheyne 11 years ago