
Copying a file using directory variables %folder%

I'm trying to run a batch file via the Scripting module that copies and overwrites a file.  The line I'm using is...

start /wait xcopy \\server2\public\av\SignageServerSettings.xml %fwi%\SignageSettings\ /y

If I just run the batch file on the workstation, it works fine.  But when I try to push it out via the KBox, it doesn't recognize the %fwi% variable and just copies to the root of the C:\ drive.

Any ideas?



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Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: bruno71 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I am using an Online Shell Script and I tried selecting "Run as Local System" and "Run as User logged in to console" which did not work.  Finally I ran it and provided the Domain admin credentials.  This seemed to work.  I also had to enclose the source and destination paths in " " incase there were any spaces in the path.

  • Glad it works, go for it! Mark the question as answered and put in the solution so you get the Ninja points - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
  • paste the above to the answer summary for points also - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
Red Belt

Dump the batch file and use robocopy.exe in your script



  • Just saw your answer here. I'll try this if my fix doesn't work. Thanks. - bruno71 12 years ago
  • Robocopy does not seem to exist on Windows XP. The workstations I'm doing this on are a mix of XP and 7. - bruno71 12 years ago
  • Sorry for that oversite when I replied. No it is not by default but you can download and add it, (pain for this one)
    http://theos.in/windows-server/free-download-windows-xp-2003-robocopy-software/ - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
Posted by: Ben M 12 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

Forgive my ignorance, but is %fwi% actually an environment variable? I've never seen it before and it doesn't show up on the lists I generally use for reference.

Posted by: bruno71 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

It's an environment variable created by a third-party program we use.  It exists and works in Windows Explorer or by manually running the batch file.  But when I try to push the same batch file out via KBox, it does not seem to recognize it.


%fwi% points to "C:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Documents\Four Winds Interactive\"

But when I push out the batch file with KBox, instead of the xcopy destination being...

"C:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Documents\Four Winds Interactive\SignageSettings\" 

...it copies the file to "\SignageSetings\" and it ends up creating a folder at "C:\SignageSettings\"


  • I'd be curious if %fwi% works as System instead of a user. Try running the batch using PsExec: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/how-to-mimic-running-a-script-as-local-system-user-scripting

    If not, use an online script and use a different account. - jknox 12 years ago

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