
K1000 Custom Ticket Rule - 2 hour Escalation

I am currently looking for a way to create a custom ticket rule for a "Critical" priority which will need to be escalated after 2 hours.  Since the Due Dates do not include a time, I was going to try and create a custom ticket rule that runs every 15-minutes and will add a CC list once the difference between creation time and current time is greater than 2 hours.  I've looked up the SQL syntax, but I can't seem to get anything working.  Has anyone else gotten something like this to work?  Thanks.

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Johnzko 11 years ago
Orange Senior Belt


if i dont know any fields/rows i navigate to a ticket of the queue with firefox. Then i go to the field which i want to know and say "right klick" conside element.

custom_fileld_value3 is for example HD.TICKET.CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE3 in the Database.

Hope it helps.

Posted by: TechArtisan 11 years ago
Senior White Belt

I'm not sure what that has to do with my question at all.

Posted by: TechArtisan 11 years ago
Senior White Belt

I realized that if you put the ticket as due the day that it is create it automatically will start sending escalations at the time period set in the queue settings.  I created a Critical category, set the automatic due date to today(), and the escalation time to 2 hours.  2 hours after the ticket is created it starts sending messages.  Issue resolved.

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