
How can I have my ftp backup files start showing up in my backup folders?

I created a schedule task for my ftp backups to happen  automatically and the folders are setup in the correct location but for some strange reason the backup files and not showing up in the folders.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: dugullett 12 years ago
Red Belt

Can you share the steps that you used? 

  • This is the link I used but I had it working for a little while but when I wanted to change the location fot the backups to take place it stopped working so I decided to put it back. but here's the link thought: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/kace-how-to-setup-a-process-to-automatically-move-the-backup-files-off-of-the-k1000-to-an-external-source-1 - jrowe 12 years ago
Posted by: jknox 12 years ago
Red Belt

Here's the support page on setting it up: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/How-to-setup-a-process-to-automatically-move-the-backup-Server-Configuration

Posted by: jverbosk 12 years ago
Red Belt

Here's the KACE article I used and my notes on setting up the scheduled task on a Windows server:


Note - set to run daily @ 1AM

1) The backup.scr should be as follows:

open kbox
type binary
mget kbox_*

2) The Scheduled Task should have the following settings:

D:\KACE\Backups\K1100\bkupkbox.bat D:\KACE\Backups\K1100\

Start in:

Run as:

Hope that helps!


  • So changing the path in my task scheduler should all the files to be saved in the folder correct? - jrowe 12 years ago

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