
How do I set a PEINST username/password?

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I just updated my K2000 to version 3.4 and now when trying get to the KBE environment it asks for a username and password?  I'm wondering where I need to set these up.  Administrator Guide lists a place for password, but no username.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
To change the share password you go to Settings and Maintenance | General Settings. Click on edit and change the Driver/Restore share password. This changes the password for the following shares: drivers, drivers_postinstall, restore, petemp, peinst. If you change this password, you must build a new KBE with 3.4, otherwise it won't be able to mount petemp/peinst.
Posted by: cserrins 12 years ago
Red Belt

To change the share password you go to Settings and Maintenance | General Settings.  Click on edit and change the Driver/Restore share password.  This changes the password for the following shares: drivers, drivers_postinstall, restore, petemp, peinst.

If you change this password, you must build a new KBE with 3.4, otherwise it won't be able to mount petemp/peinst.

Posted by: darkhawktman 12 years ago
Green Belt

When upgrading to 3.4 they added a new password requirement for the Driver/restore share. This is located at Setting and Maintenance -> General Settings -> Driver/Restore Share password. After you set this new password in 3.4, you have to recreate your boot environments so it will automatically include the user name/password for the Driver/restore share.

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