
How to undeploy a shutdown script sent to a PC?

Hello All.

Last year I deployed an online script to shutdown a group of computers at a certain schedule.
Now I need to remove the shutdown from selected computers but I haven't found a way to undo the script, or to undo the deploy the script just for selected computers.
Have you solved this problem before?

I target the group of PC using a label. I have already removed the PC from the label but it stills executes the script for shutdown. Is there anything else to do?

Thank you.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Hello StockTrader. I target the group of PC using a label. I have already removed the PC from the label but it stills executes the script for shutdown. Is there anything elso to do? - Pedro.Farias 8 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: StockTrader 8 years ago
Red Belt

Removing the computers from the target of the script (under the Deploy section of the script definition) should be enough.
 Kind regards,
Marco - StockTrader

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