
Howto automatically assign new devices to an appropriate subtype?


Is it possible to assign new (Agent and Agentless) devices automatically to an appropriate subtype?
For Example: All devices with "Microsoft Windows Server" in OS Name assign to subtype "Server". Or all devices with an special OID in SNMP set to "Printer"?
The only way i found, was to set the subtype over "mark Checkbox" in devices and "Choose Action" or by manually provisioning agentless devices.

The KACE helpfile is not realy helpfull in this case.
Maybe there is someone who can explain it.

Thanks a lot

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Ericenri 8 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Hello, after researching and consulting with Support I have not found any configuration in the K1000 that allows the automation of this process. On the other hand, I found the following in the K1000 admin guide: "For SNMP devices, you must assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is configured. You cannot add or change SNMP Asset Subtypes after they have been configured".
Posted by: Gerhart 8 years ago
Green Belt
Hi Ericenri,

Thanks for your qiuck answer.

That part with the SNMP devices i have also found in the Admin Guide. But it is a little confused. Probably it means the "SNMP Inventory Configurations" under Inventory Tab. In fact, a new SNMP configuration could not change the subtype after creation. Thats true.

I have also found no way (out off the box) to automate the subtype change. Maybe a Ticket Rule can do this job?


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